Mathew Svoboda is Director of Choral Activities at Lane Community College, where he conducts the Lane Chamber Choir and Lane Concert Choir; teaches Theory, Keyboard Skills, and related courses; and plays piano for Lane dance classes and the Faculty Jazz Ensemble. Active as a composer and conductor, Matthew Svoboda also serves as Director of Music at Central Presbyterian Church in Eugene and Musicanship Instructor for the Stangeland Family Youth Choral Academy of the Oregon Bach Festival. He has served as Assistant Conductor of the Eugene Symphony Chorus (2003-2005) and as guest conductor for the Eugene Chamber Singers’ 25th anniversary season (2004). In 2003, he was selected as a Participant Conductor for the Oregon Bach Festival Conducting Master Class with Helmuth Rilling and in 2002 as a Conducting Fellow with the Auckland Philharmonia directed by Miguel Harth-Bedoya. Svoboda earned master’s degrees in Choral Conducting (2003) and Composition (2004) from the University of Oregon School of Music and Dance, where he was awarded a graduate teaching fellowship in both departments and served as Assistant Conductor of the University Singers. As a composer, Svoboda enjoys collaborations with instrumentalists, poets, and choreographers. He has written numerous compositions for various chamber ensembles, choirs, and dancers.