Rodney Marsalis Visits Eugene

Trumpet Virtuoso Sheds Light on Empowerment in Music

Ahead of its 2018 Season, Oregon Bach Festival (OBF) welcomes international trumpet sensation Rodney Marsalis to Eugene on April 16 and 17. In partnership with the University of Oregon (UO) School of Music and Dance, OBF engaged Marsalis to speak with UO students, faculty, and the public about his career as a musician and the necessary role of empowerment and entrepreneurship in today’s music industry.

The first lecture and conversation, which will discuss Marsalis’ career and the importance of empowering underrepresented groups in the music business, takes place April 16 at Noon at Berwick Hall on the UO campus.

The following day, Marsalis visits students in two UO School of Music classes to discuss the life of a professional musician and entrepreneur with the next generation of professional musicians, educators, and arts advocates. A Brass Sectional will be held at 1pm in the MarAbel B. Frohnmayer Music Building, Room 190, and “Music, Money, and Law with Rodney Marsalis” will follow immediately at 2pm in Berwick Hall. All three sessions are free and open to the public. In addition to his guest speaker role, Marsalis will spend a portion of his time in Eugene working with musicians from a local youth orchestra.

Marsalis, a graduate of the highly prestigious Curtis Institute of Music, leads The Rodney Marsalis Philadelphia Big Brass, which will perform twice during the 2018 Oregon Bach Festival.


April 16, 2018, Noon
Berwick Hall, UO Campus
975 East 18th Ave
“Rodney Marsalis: Resiliency in the Music Industry”
Free Admission, Open to the Public

Drop-In Sessions

April 17, 2018, 1:00pm
MarAbel B. Frohnmayer Music Building, Room 190, UO Campus
961 East 18th Ave
“UO Brass Sectional”
Free Admission, Open to the Public

April 17, 2018, 2:00pm
Berwick Hall, UO Campus
975 East 18th Ave
“Music, Money, and Law with Rodney Marsalis”
Free Admission, Open to the Public